Custom Polygon Counts ===================== The CustomPolygon service provides users access to a highly flexible tonnage supply count engine. The service allows users to provide custom polygons (in GeoJSON format), and get current + historical counts of how many vessels within a given segment/laden status was inside the defined polygon. Example questions that can be answered with this endpoint: - *How many Panamax vessels are currently laden in this specific part of AG?* - *How many Capesize vessels have historically been in ballast the Indian Ocean and how does this compare to current numbers?* .. autoclass:: :members: Example ------- - *How many Panamax vessels are currently laden in this specific part of AG?* .. code-block:: python from oceanbolt.sdk.client import APIClient from import CustomPolygonTimeseries from datetime import date base_client = APIClient("") df = CustomPolygonTimeseries(base_client).get( geojson="{\"type\":\"Polygon\",\"coordinates\":[[[45.50537109374999,31.93351676190369],[50.4931640625,16.846605106396304],[61.083984375,20.138470312451155],[66.9287109375,27.819644755099446],[61.94091796875,31.89621446335144],[45.50537109374999,31.93351676190369]]]}" sub_segment=['ultramax','supramax'], start_date=date(2021,2,1) end_date=date(2021,3,1) ) Returns: .. csv-table:: :header: "date","value" "2021-02-01","161" "2021-02-02","161" "2021-02-03","167" "2021-02-04","165" "2021-02-05","161" "2021-02-06","161" "2021-02-07","160" "2021-02-08","152" "2021-02-09","149" "2021-02-10","150" "2021-02-11","152" "2021-02-12","156" "2021-02-13","160" "2021-02-14","157" "2021-02-15","157" "2021-02-16","157" "2021-02-17","154" "2021-02-18","153" "2021-02-19","153" Arguments --------- .. autoclass:: :members: :noindex: Response -------- .. autoclass:: :members: .. autoclass:: :members: :noindex: .. autoclass:: :members: :noindex: