Distance Calculator
Introduction to the Distance Calculator
The DistanceCalculator service provides an easy way for users to calculate distances and shortest route between ports and vessels.
More examples can be found in the following juypyter notebook: Calculating Distances
DistanceCalculator Client
- class oceanbolt.sdk.distance.DistanceCalculator(client: APIClient)[source]
DistanceCalculator provides an interface to calculate shortest route between ports/vessels
- distance()[source]
Calculates the shortest distance between a list of locations.
- duration()[source]
Calculates expected duration for a voyage between a list of locations, given a speed provided by the user.
- shortest_route()[source]
Calculates the shortest route between a list of locations, and returns the route as a pandas dataframe of lat/lons.
- get_raw()[source]
Provides access to the raw response from the API, which includes breakdown by individual legs, in case of a waypoint route calculation.
- batch_distance()[source]
Batch calculates the shortest distance between a list of locations.
- batch_duration()[source]
Batch calculates expected duration for a voyage between a list of locations, given a speed provided by the user.
- batch_shortest_route()[source]
Batch calculates the shortest route between a list of locations, and returns the route as pandas dataframes of lat/lons.
- batch_get_raw()[source]
Provides access to the raw response from the API, which includes breakdown by individual legs, in case of a waypoint route calculation.
Calculating the shortest distance
from oceanbolt.sdk.client import APIClient
from oceanbolt.sdk.distance import DistanceCalculator
from oceanbolt.sdk.data.entities import Search
base_client = APIClient("<TOKEN>")
#Distance between ports
distance = DistanceCalculator(base_client).distance(
{"unlocode": "USHOU"},
{"unlocode": "HKHKG"},
#Distance between a vessel's current location and a port
distance = DistanceCalculator(base_client).distance(
{"imo": 9586801},
{"unlocode": "HKHKG"},
#Distance calculation with a waypoint
distance = DistanceCalculator(APIClient()).distance(
#Distance between a raw coordinates
distance = DistanceCalculator(base_client).distance(
{"point": {"lon":-75.522015,"lat":10.298378}},
{"point": {"lon":-95.127000,"lat":29.727500}},
- class oceanbolt.com.distancecalculator_v3.types.DistanceRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)[source]
Request object for CalculateDistance method
- locations
List of locations to calculate the shortest route between. If more than 2 locations are specified, then routing will be calculated through all locations, using intermediary locations as waypoints. The routing order of the locations will be based on the order of the locations in the request body.
- Type
- speed
An optional speed parameter. If this is supplied, then the API will return an estimate of the total duration of the voyage, based on the supplied speed. Speed parameter should be supplied in knots.
- Type
- transform
Specifies a transformation to be applied to the returned shortest path. Allowed values are [great_circle].
- Type
- longitude_adjustment
Specifies whether the resulting points/lines crossing the antimeridian should be adjusted to form a continuous line for plotting. Allowed values are [antimeridian,none]. Default value is ‘antimeridian.
- Type
- class oceanbolt.com.distancecalculator_v3.types.DistanceResponse(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)[source]
Response object for CalculateDistance method
- total_distance
Total distance of the entire voyage in nautical miles.
- Type
- total_duration_hours
Total expected duration of the entire voyage, given a certain speed supplied by the user.
- Type
- total_shortest_path
The calculated shortest path between the start/end point of the entire voyage.
- Type
- individual_legs
Array of the individual legs that compose the voyage
- Type
- status
- Type
- class DistanceAlgorithmStatus(value)[source]
- Values:
No description available.
- PLANAR (1):
No description available.
No description available.
Batch Calculations
The distance calculator also supports batch calculations. The primary usage differences from non-batch calculations are
in the client’s method name, prefixed with “batch_”, and in the request object, where each request to be calculated is
an element of a requests
Batch methods include:
from oceanbolt.sdk.client import APIClient
from oceanbolt.sdk.distance import DistanceCalculator
from oceanbolt.sdk.data.entities import Search
base_client = APIClient("<TOKEN>")
distances = DistanceCalculator(base_client).batch_distance(
"locations": [
{"unlocode": "AUPHE"},
{"unlocode": "HKHKG"},
{"unlocode": "USHOU"}
"locations": [
{"point": {"lon":-75.522015,"lat":10.298378}},
{"point": {"lon":-95.127000,"lat":29.727500}}