Drydock Timeseries
Retrieve timeseries data of how many vessels have been drydocked in different ports, countries or regions over time.
Example questions that can be answered with this endpoint:
How has the number of dry docked vessels changed over the past year?
- class oceanbolt.sdk.data.dry_dock.DryDockTimeseries(client: APIClient)[source]
returns a timeseries of historical dry dock stays.
How has the number of dry docked vessels changed over the past year?
from oceanbolt.sdk.client import APIClient
from oceanbolt.sdk.data.dry_dock import DryDockTimeseries
from datetime import date
base_client = APIClient("<token>")
df = DryDockTimeseries(base_client).get(
date |
vesselCount |
vesselDwt |
avgWaitingDays |
medianWaitingDays |
2021-03-15 |
49 |
9357994 |
20.798795138888885 |
8.826215277777779 |
2021-03-16 |
51 |
9640308 |
20.094400190631806 |
8.920185185185185 |
2021-03-17 |
51 |
9519327 |
20.08614764887436 |
8.777407407407408 |
2021-03-18 |
53 |
9861875 |
20.20562631027253 |
9.663645833333334 |
- class oceanbolt.com.drydock_v3.types.GetDryDockRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)[source]
DryDock request object.
- port_id
List of Oceanbolt port ids to filter on. This filters on the port where the vessel is currently in dry dock.
- Type
- shipyard_id
List of Oceanbolt shipyard ids to filter on. This filters on the shipyard where the vessel is currently in dry dock.
- Type
- country_code
The list of 2-letter ISO countries to get congestion data for. This filters on the country where the vessel is currently congested. Country code can be obtained either from the /entities/countries endpoint.
- Type
- region_id
The list of region IDs to get dry dock data for. Region ID can be obtained either from the /entities/regions endpoint.
- Type
- sub_segment
List of vessel sub segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the /entities/segments endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside segment
- Type
- group_by
Determines the grouping of the timeseries data. This parameter only applies to the /drydock/timeseries endpoint.
- Type
- last_n_days
Short hand parameter for quickly getting data for the last N days. Cannot be supplied along either start_date or end_date.
- Type
- sort
Specifies whether results should be sorted in ascending or descing order. Allowed values: [“asc”,”desc”].
- Type
- class oceanbolt.com.drydock_v3.types.DryDockTimeseriesRow(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)[source]
DryDock timeseries row object.
- vessel_count
Number of vessels that were congested on the date
- vessel_dwt
Sum of DWT that were congested on the date
- avg_waiting_days
Average waiting days of vessels that were congested on the date
- median_waiting_days
Median waiting days of vessels that were congested on the date
- class oceanbolt.com.drydock_v3.types.DryDockTimeseriesGroup(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)[source]
DryDock timeseries group object.
- group
Name of the group. This will be “default”, if no grouping was specified in the query.
- Type
- rows
Rows of timeseries data
- Type