Tonnage Zone Counts
Find aggregated vessel counts for various vessels segments, various laden status, various directions or various zones.
Example questions that can be answered with this endpoint:
How many ballast ultramax or supramax vessels are currently in the Indian Ocean?
How many panamaxes are currently in the atlantic vs the pacific and how has this changed over time?
- class APIClient)[source]
returns timeseries on zone counts.
How many ballast ultramax or supramax vessels are currently in the Indian Ocean?
from oceanbolt.sdk.client import APIClient
from import TonnageZoneTimeseries
from datetime import date
base_client = APIClient("<token>")
df = TonnageZoneTimeseries(base_client).get(
zone_id=[22, 13, 97, 96, 8], #Zone Ids can be obtained from the zone selector map in the Oceanbolt App or from the entities/zones endpoint.
date |
vessel_count |
vessel_dwt |
2021-02-01 |
161 |
9384746 |
2021-02-02 |
161 |
9385891 |
2021-02-03 |
167 |
9707184 |
2021-02-04 |
165 |
9590778 |
2021-02-05 |
161 |
9367220 |
2021-02-06 |
161 |
9353406 |
2021-02-07 |
160 |
9312805 |
2021-02-08 |
152 |
8829415 |
2021-02-09 |
149 |
8637758 |
2021-02-10 |
150 |
8698294 |
2021-02-11 |
152 |
8811801 |
2021-02-12 |
156 |
9084444 |
2021-02-13 |
160 |
9320787 |
2021-02-14 |
157 |
9155971 |
2021-02-15 |
157 |
9180257 |
2021-02-16 |
157 |
9144834 |
2021-02-17 |
154 |
8964411 |
2021-02-18 |
153 |
8904227 |
2021-02-19 |
153 |
8904227 |
- class, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)[source]
Request object for getting tonnage zone data and fleet speed data.
- zone_id
List of zones ids to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the /entities/zones endpoint.
- Type
- segment
List of vessel segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the /entities/segments endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside subSegment.
- Type
- sub_segment
List of vessel sub segments to filter on. Allowed values can be obtained from the /entities/segments endpoint. Cannot be supplied alongside segment.
- Type
- direction
The list of directions to get tonnage data for. The following directions are allowed: [“NNE”,”ENE”,”ESE”,”SSE”,”SSW”,”WSW”,”WNW”,”NNW”]. Directions can also be obtained from the interactive direction selector found at
- Type
- laden_status
The laden status to get tonnage data for. The following values are allowed: [“laden”,”ballast”].
- Type
- port_status
The port status to get tonnage data for. The following values are allowed: [“in_port”,”at_sea”].
- Type
- group_by
Determines the grouping of the timeseries data.
- Type
- exclude_mpv
Flag to specify whether or not MPV vessels should be included/excluded. Default is to include.
- Type
- start_date
The UTC start date of the date filter.
- Type
- end_date
The UTC end date of the date filter.
- Type
- last_n_days
Short hand parameter for quickly getting data for the last N days.
- Type
- format_
The return format of the data [“csv”,”json”, “xlsx”]. Default is “json”.
- Type
- sort
Specifies whether results should be sorted in ascending or descing order. Allowed values: [“asc”,”desc”].
- Type
- class, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)[source]
Response object for tonnage zone counts
- timeseries
Timeseries data groups.
- Type
- class, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)[source]
Tonnage zone/fleet speed timeseries group
- group
Name of the group. This will be “default”, if no grouping was specified in the query.
- Type
- rows
Rows of timeseries data.
- Type
- class, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)[source]
Tonnage zone/fleet speed timeseries row.
- date
UTC date timestamp of the timeseries row.
- Type
- vessel_count
The number of vessels for the timeseries row.
- vessel_dwt
The sum of dwt for the timeseries row.
- avg_speed
The average speed in knots for the timeseries row.